Keying 50% VAT in sage on car lease
Hi peeps, I hope someone can help. I've been working for a company since January, but never actually done any form of bookkeeping training. I've been looking back on some things getting ready for the year end and have noticed (after reading about VAT do's and dont's) that it looks as if all the VAT is be...
Claiming back VAT
I've worked as an electrician for 20 years, and have just taken over the company I worked for, but almost starting from scratch. With VAT, I charge it on materials and labour, as usual. I can claim back on business expenses. Stupid question though, with materials I purchase for jobs, I pay VAT. Do I clai...
VAT refund in Sage, how to Nil VAT liability account
I have to deal with a company, which accounts were done by previous accountant up to 31/07. VAT return was submitted for the period 31/05-31/07 in august and it was a VAT Refund. As I started doing companies bookkeeping from August (new financial year and VAt quarter), I got bank statement in witch is s...
Best way to treat a car bought on finance by wife of Director
Clients wife has bought a car on finance for use in Ltd Company. Ltd Company will make payments to wife who will in turn pay finance company. Cost of car is 9k +£1500 3 years warranty. Finance is 7500 but presumably there will be interest on top. Other 3k from joint savings I think. Thoughts are introd...
Mobile Phone in directors name was sole trader
One of my clients has a mobile phone that I put through the business as a sole trader and I know its solely business use. He is now Ltd but I have noticed (some months later) he hasn't put the phone into the Company name (I did advise him to) Am I ok to continue putting it through the business or is it now just...
Client possibly understating income?
Hi there I am preparing accounts for a sole trader, but the gross profit figure is looking ridiculously low and may reult in a net loss for the year. Obviouslly, I will check with my client that they have provided details of all income, but is there anything further I need to do? I understand suspiscio...
EC sale
Hi Guys, Sorry I'm being very demanding today but I have another question My client is vat registered and on the flat rate and has supplied goods to another EC member state. Am I correct in thinking that when I fill out his vat return I exclude the vat due percentage on these EU sales invoices in box 1 , in...
Hi How do you get around this? My clients year end is 31s October and in the year has taken dividends. When I come to do his self assessment next April he would have taken further dividends between now and next April. As I only see his paperwork once a year I am not going to know what he has taken. So would I ask...
Flat Rate Scheme
Hello everyone :) Quick question... when on FRS, do sales to USA have to be included?
Tax Implications of supplying services to Australia?
Does anyone know anything about tax implications of supplying website design and support services from the UK to Australia? I'm aware of VATMOSS but that's only for the EU. TIA. Alys
Sage one payroll
hi everyone does anyone know how to add annual leave allowance and days taken in sage one? I am going round in circles here and i can see everything but holidays thanks sam
Abbreviated Accounts
Hi I have been asked by a client (a partnership) to produce their annual accounts as I have done for a couple of years now; however they have been asked by their solicitor to ensure that their accounts are 'non-abbreviated'. Please can someone confirm for me that I am right in thinking this type of fina...
VAT Return Submitted to HMRC - how can I recall or amend it?
Hi All - I have submitted the VAT Return for one of my Clients (Aug Sept Oct), and now several late October supplier invoices have arrived. These would reduce their liability by several thousand pounds and my client wants me to recall the VAT return and resubmit it (he is aware that we can claim these ba...
Property Income
Hi My client rents a property of which he owns 99% and his partner owns 1% (their solicitor advised this as one of them is a higher rate tax payer) Anyway they are renting it out ....When preparing their tax returns should I state the percentage of the split on each of their tax returns? Georgie
What amount to put on CIS return
Hi Morning everyone, my poor brain is hurts. Client has paid a subbie the wrong amount and I know it is probably easy but I am struggling to figure out how much to put on the CIS return. Subbie should have had 20% deduction but client forgot and has paid them the whole amount. Have tried to get the money...
Sage query - entertainment expenses
I'm a newbie book-keeper so apologies for my naivity, but I am currently posting an employee's expense claims into Sage. He has one entertainment expense with a receipt, but as we can not claim VAT on this do I post it with a T9 tax code? And how about expenses that do not have VAT receipts? Also T9?
Group personal pension - Claiming
If a works pension with personal contributions has never been claimed in previous S.A. (employee is on 40% bracket), how far back can one claim. The schedule mentions net and gross so looks like the 20% has been added to pot (meaning (40-20) 20% can be claimed?) although the earlier years have a slight...
CT600 for company whose director has taken money from Company??
HI All, Director of a company has submitted his own accounts to Companies House. Was late so has been fined. Now needs a CT 600 submitting to HMRC which is also late!! He has sent a spreadsheet of his accounts showing income, expenses and money he has drawn for himself. He has called them Wages and Divid...
Elaine R
CIS Payroll Applications
Hi All, I am in the process of developing a CIS payroll management application for builders and constructions contractors. I hope that nobody mines me posting here but I am looking for feedback on my idea to see if it is worth developing further. I have used a beta version of this for my own construction...
VAT on landlord utility bill
One of my clients rents a unit on a farm. the landlord writes him a bill with his share of the electricity and encloses a copy of the full electricity bill. Can my client claim the Reduced rate VAT back on his share of the electricity even though the bill is from the landlord and he isn't VAT registered?