Auto Enrolment/Payroll Charges
Hi All I have a client staging early next year for Auto Enrolment. I have the sage payroll enrolment edition but was thinking of purchasing the additional module. Approx 15-20 employees. This is the only one of my clients staging next year. I want to get of to a good start so this is why I was thinking o...
Silly Digits
Turning work down
Hi there! Not posted on here fore a while... I just wondered if any of you have ever turned down work. Basically, I have started doing work for an existing clients parents. They use QuickBooks online, which I have never used before. To be honest it looks like a total nightmare, but this is probably due t...
HMRC Basic Pay Tools questions
Hi I wonder if any one can help me. I've just taken over the payroll (temporarily) for a client who is using Sage Instant Payroll (an old version) to process payroll and print payslips then HMRC basic tools to submit RTI. Turns out Sage and HMRC basic pay tools are not agreeing with each other so I have pu...
Bookkeeping for a community interest company
I have been approached by a local CIC tor help with their books. I am self employed, do i qualify for any tax relief if I do charity work? Thanks
Danger Will Robinson!
Hopefully, by now people will know I'm not a big fan of cloudy stuff - which, in my view, brings with it security risks and a hindered work flow, along with other potential problems. One I hadn't considered before was phishing - and it seems Xero users in Dahnundaland (er, Australia) were targeted by a p...
Waiting on Agent code from HMRC
I applied for my agent code way back in August at the same time as applying for HMRC MLR. I got a letter back from HMRC CAAT at the beginning of October requesting details of my MLR, which I sent to them with my HMRC MLR certificate. I'm now sitting in limbo, waiting for HMRC to (hopefully) wave their magic w...
how to record commision
Hope someone can help. I have been asked to sort out some bookkeeping for a client who has started a new business in debt collection. This works by people and /or companies hiring them to collect debts for them and on collection my client will charge a % of the money collected. My client will be hiring...
Sage Instant Payroll
Hi Can anyone tell me how I change an employee to monthly paid from weekly please? the employee has been on weekly for 2 weeks when he should be on monthly (but weekly up to the end of last month). What will happen to the 2 weeks gone by that the employee should have been on monthly but the software is showing...
Fee increase - how to word it!
Morning to you, my lovelies!! The time has come, 3 years in, to increase my fees. I want to put an email together to notify clients. I'm also going to adopt the ingenious idea of Chris, who adds on a percentage, the later the records are sent. Has anyone created such a letter/email? I don't want to sou...
Time to Boycott the Daily Mail?
Not that I bought it anyway (just received a link to the pull out this morning), but on Saturday September the 27th there was a thinly veiled eight page pull out advert for "Vouched For" declaring the UK's top accountants as the one's that they have on their list of members who have been recom...
Hi All When claiming the mileages rate, are AA or RAC costs then also disallowable. Also can loan interest to buy a new van still be claimed as an expense if claiming the mileage allowance.
Silly Digits
Offering Self Assessment/Tax Returns
I am Level 3 AAT qualified and setting up as a self employed Bookkeeper again ( I did this for a short time in 2011). I was wondering if I am able to offer Self Assessment and Tax Returns at this level and if so how do I learn how to do them? It was never covered in college and I haven't done them in any of my bookk...
Contract template
Hi Does anyone have a contract template they can share or direct me as to where I can find it
Sub contractor agreements
Hi Does anyone have any subcontractor agreements templates or a link to where I can find them?
Safe Harbour and cloudy accounting
I hope all those who like to imbibe on the cloudy-flavoured Kool-aid have been following the news on the Euro-US 'Safe Harbour' agreement, are aware it has now been ruled invalid, and have considered the implications for your fluffy accounts. I'm probably going to oversimplify here, but in summary...
Client account opening form
Hi all, I have been trying to come up with a template for an account opening form for new clients to ensure I am complying with money laundering regulations, as well as getting all the info I need to set up a new client account. Before I send it to my new potential client would anyone be willing to take a look...
Posting Bank payments to Suppliers in Quickbooks
Hello. I am just wondering how to post bank payments to suppliers that don't match any of the amounts on the suppliers invoice. As it seems quickbooks only lets you pay a supplier if it matches invoice amounts exactly, is this right? Any help much appreciated as I am new to quickbooks. Thanks Jill
Why cloud based solutions are a stupid idea...
Dear Lemmings(no, not you Vince. I know that you're with me in the provisional wing, Luddite, burn all of their servers party)Well, from 01:00 Monday morning until now I have had absolutely no internet access. Nothing to do with my equipment and for once TalkTalk were completely innocent (and dropp...
Continuity of Practice Agreement
Hello everyone, I am a IAB Certified bookkeeper in Wrexham. I have been trading as Wrexham Accounting Limited and looking for help for the Continuity of Practice Agreement. It is one of the documents required by IAB for the practice certificate and AML Supervision. Thank you very much in advance and...
Wrexham Accounting
The bookkeeping steps to follow in preparing the paperwork for the accountant who will submit my clients accounts...
Hello everyone, I am new to this area of bookkeeping work and I would like guidance in the necessary steps to do the paperwork for my client's accountant who will submit the figures to Companies House. I have a client who wants me to do the necessary paperwork for their accountant, but I have not done th...
David Rosario