A thought about free white papers
The latest way to harvest email addresses of potential sales leads seems to be to offer a report / white paper for free. To get the paper you enter your email address and usually a phone number and then you get to read the report before the inevitable follow up campaign to get your business. I'm writing th...
Time wasted V Savings!
I would interested to hear others feelings about the comments I am about to make. A friend admitted that he paid his cleaner £15.00ph, and his bookkeeper £12.00ph. He said the book-keeper only inputted the data (using sage), and never issued invoices (word doc, himself), or checked any of the supp...
Consumer Contact Regulations
In case any of you find you need to tell clients about these important new regulations (already in force), there is a brief but useful summary here: http://1drv.ms/1jddeRt The summary was produced by Hannen Beith of Perfect Solutions Oxford Ltd. Iain
Views on Xero...?
Hi all. What are your views on Xero? I have a client who is looking to move to it, and is raving on about it. I have no experience of this software (Sage and Quickbooks are what I use the most.) Looking at the Xero website, first impressions were that it looked pretty user friendly I thought. I'd like opini...
Date recognition without invoice
Hi, I've taken on my first client (a sole-trade carpenter) this week who wants a profit & loss done for the year in order to do a self assessment. He is not VAT registered. My questions is this: I've input all of the year's sales/purchase invoice and also invoices 1 month eitherside of the financia...
Should I upgarde from VT+ to VT Final accounts??
Hello I have been using VT+ for sometime now and I LOVE it!!! Best software I have ever used. I'm thinking of upgrading to VT Accounts Suite - and I want to know if it is worth the extra £238.80 per year for me and what I do. The reason I want to use it is because I do lots of SATRs and a few partnership returns an...
Business Expenses Query
Hi, I am currently in the process of setting up on my own as a bookkeeper. Having done a number of AAT/ICB exams I thought I was ready but only now am I realising how little I actually know! My potential client works from home doing aromatherapy and massage. As she has a room committed to the business I k...
loan account
Hi Can I set a loan account up for a non-director or are loan accounts just for directors
Capital expenditure on a leased premises - is this right?
I have a new client - they are a partnership. The business premises is a 3 year lease and there is a contract states that they can buy the premises any time in the next 3 years for a set amount that cannot go up or down. They have spent a lot of money on 'doing up' the premises (around 25k) I am having trouble d...
Getting a client to sign SATR before submitting
Hi When you complete a self-assessment tax return on-line for a client as an agent do you just print off a copy for them to sign before you submit it? I've noticed that some accountants have made up their own set of accounts and then got the client to sign that. Which way do you do it? and which is the bes...
Let property campaign help
Looking for a wee bit of help with the HMRC's let property campaign. I have been approached by a new client who let properties out. She was a bit confused about the rules and thought that she only needed to tell HMRC once she started making money (i.e. the mortgages were paid off). Anyway, I have plough...
Setting up a new partnership questions......
Hello I have just got a new client - it's a partnership. I will be using VT. It is for a small nightclub. There are a few things I want to check that I will be doing right before I start entering all the invoices. 1. There are a lot of receipts dated before the date the business started (which is not yet decid...
Can anybody check my percentage calculations please......my maths is not fantastic
I have a general expenses file for a new client who runs 2 holiday cottages. The General expenses are usually split 50/50 into each business - this was how it was done with the bookkeeper before me and seems like the accountant is happy with it. The difference this year is one of the businesses finish...
Accounting for invoicing in advance
Hello My client invoices all his customers a 6 monthly in advance fee which his accountant wants spilt into each individual month in his accounts from the one invoice. Any help on what would be the easiest way to do this, I now have a whole years worth to break down. Thanks in advanced Nicola
Nicki noos
Participation in organised Crime Group legislation
Looks like another new law is on the horizon that hasn't been properly thought through. On the face of it the participation in organised crime offence seems quite sensible. Then you start to dig and you see things such as the ablity to confiscate the accountants assets for the clients crimes on the ass...
Advice please
Hello Everyone, I need some advice, my young son is going for his first interview with a Chartered Accountancy Firm in Mayfair London, he really wants to make a good first impression and to get the job it's a career he is really passionate about. What we would like to know what questions would any one of...
First active year on previously dormant business...
Hi. I have a client who registered a Ltd comp business a few years ago (to protect the name) but did no trading through it. On the Comp House site it shows the businnes as active, but with last accounts made up to Dec 13 (Dormant) He is now starting to trade through the business. He wants this first 'proper...
Where in the chart of accounts does the suspense account live?
Hello I think I have put my suspense account in the wrong place - where should this account be in the chart of accounts? Thanks Rachel
Not sure how to proceed
I took on a new client a couple of months ago - a franchise owner with five hairdressing salons, each managed with the hairdressers as self-employed. So basic running costs. They didn't look after their bookkkeeping properly last year and admitted that they got into a mess - their account was suppose...
How on earth should I record this transaction? client's associate uses card machine for customers payments
Hello I have a client who runs a practice. She has a self-employed (associate) person who rents a room from her. He uses my clients card machine to take his customer payments and then at the end of the week (or at some point) she pays him back his card takings via bank transfer. At the minute I have recor...