Interest only mortgage - can the whole amount be a deductable expense?
Hello I have a client who has an interest only mortgage on a property that he rents, as the whole mortgage payment is interest only is this whole amount a deductible expenses? thanks
Tying to convince a company to continue using me
I started to do some bookkeeping for a friend of my boyfriend. He set up a business with 2 other guys. They thought they could do all the bookkeeping themselves and have realised they can't as they don't know how to use sage and have no idea about accounts etc. I was asked to help out and have been paid for...
Elaine R
Accountex 2013 - London ExCel
Hi All So, we are finalising everything for Accountex 2013 & wanted to extend an invite to anyone who can make the event this Thursday & Friday. It is a really useful exhibition with seminars and key note speakers as well as over 100 exhibitors such as us. We are showing off a new version of our Ma...
Marketing - what has worked for you?
Really interested to hear how other bookkeepers and accountants are selling themselves, the costs, and whether there has been success... ?
Hourly rate for bookkeeper
I am interested to hear what other people charge or pay for a bookkeeper on an hourly rate. I currently charge £15.00 per hour but have been told by a local accountant that it is too cheap. I am experienced in doing accounts at large companies ie purchase ledger, sales ledger, bank recs, month end accoun...
Elaine R
Charitable Donations
Are donations to registered charities tax deductible expenses for Ltd Co's?
To start as a bookkeeper do you need to be registered with accounting body/or Inland Revenue for money laundering before
To start as a bookkeeper do you need to be registered with accounting body/or Inland Revenue for money laundering before even advertising. As I am in a new area, plus single Mum not so much as a risk taker as used to be able to be and don't know even if there are potential clients in my area, just wondering...
Temporary Workplace
Hi It is some time since I have posted on this site and for that I can only apologise but I was hoping for some help with my late night bookkeeping. I am constantly confused by the temporary workplace ruling and I was hoping someone could make things clearer! I have a client who has previously worked throu...
lots to learn
Enterprise Ltd
Morning all, I hope someone on here can help. I am going to see a client on Friday who is an Enterprise Ltd. He started his company 10 months ago, not because he wanted to but was left with no option by his employer. From what I can remember, he earns 10k and takes out 70% of that. My question is: Is there...
D Modjo
Deposits for SHOP rental properties
Have a client who has rented a shop, going through records I have found the £500 security deposit receipt. Now, we all know what they are for, but how does it get recorded because they MAY get that money back when the lease expires... does it get recorded DR £500 shop rent (with a note saying secruity dep...
Child Benefit
Hi all, I am doing a SE Tax Return, my client had received Child Benefit in the TR period, do I need to declare the CB income and if so where would this go on hmrc online tax return. Thank you in advance for your help!. Lor
CT600 - whole period director created at incorporation
On the online CT600 application you have to separately identify directors who have served through the whole period and those that were appointed during the period. Am I right in assuming that if the director was appointed as a result of incorporation (and the accounting period runs from the day of...
self employed person - bank charges
I know that a self-employed person can claim bank charges, but can they claim charges for bounced cheques AND Direct Debits, I have a client where it has been charges amounting to £30 per time and therefore through out the year has amounted to over £700. Is this allowed to be claimed against income on th...
How many clients do people have?
Hi all, I have been doing my business now for 4.5 years and have about 30-40 clients, I spend about 2 days a week doing now, spread over the weekend and evenings. I am still working Full Time and hope to just do my business one day. How are others finding growing their business?. I still work in my spare room...
SMEs and cyber attacks.
When I hear of cyber attacks, I tend to think of (I know this is stereotyping, but ...) Korean military technicians trying to intercept classified information, or high school kids showing NASA that their computer systems aren't all they're cracked up to be. But it seems cyber attacks are a reality fo...
Directors Loan accounts
Hi All, I need to set up 2 directors loan accounts to do some postings for drawings made. Any ideas what codes to use? Not done this kind of thing before. Know what postings i need to do just not sure what Nominal codes to use. Elaine
Elaine R
How easy
Is it to find other like minded Bookkeepers to join forces with under a new Company. I would be very interested in hearing from anyone with at least 10 years experience in Bookkeeping both desktop and cloud plus Payroll experience living in the West Sussex area. Thanks in advance.
Digital signatures
Hello fellow BKN'ers I am just wondering if anyone the knows the rules regarding digital signatures being inserted into PDF, when signing accounts and tax returns? Personally, being a tiny bit old school, I am happy with the client printing off the full document, signing it and rescanning it back t...
Purchased van using money borrowed from relative
Hi All My client has recently bought a van outright. Rather than take it on credit through the dealership they have borrowed money from a family member. The van is shown on Sage and is paid off in full but how do we show the money owed to family member? This is to be paid back monthly but without interest....
Elaine R
Uniform/suits for us in practice...
I know other trades are allowed to buy t-shirts/polo shirts etc etc that are branded for thier businesses. But what about us? We cant exactly tip up in a T-Shirt as that would make us look unprofesional. Well as professionals are we allowed to buy suits and shirts etc for business use? I only ask as I've f...