Mobile phone
A very long shot this, probably belongs on a motoring or mobile-phone forum.... I drive a 2009 Mazda 6, which has hands-free functionality built in that won't work with any old mobile phone so I haven't used it yet. Instead, I've been getting by with my old Nokia brick, but it is getting old, like me, and...
R & D
I have a client who has purchased some land and is planning to build a training centre on it. The land cost is obviously capitalised, but the question is what to do with the costs relating to the building, so far these are mainly fencing, legal fees, planning etc as building has not actually started. A...
Budgets on Tas
Hi, one of my clients is keen to set up budgets on TasBooks to see how the budgets and actuals are comparing on the P&L. I know where to input the budgets but don't know how to pull the relevant reports. Can anyone help please? Thanks Karen
Carrying losses back or forward
Can anyone help with guidance on these please? 1. If a newly self employed person records a loss from business activity, can the loss be split, to carry back part of it to set against other income in the previous 3 years, and the other proportion to set against profits arising in future years? Or does it...
Interest received VT Transaction+
Hello I have a query! Does anyone know how to post interest received on VT Transaction+? I have been posting it as income but then remembered that it was taxed at source. How can I post an income that won't be included in the whole taxable income? Thanks. -- Edited by Vicki Newman on Tuesday 23rd of Aug...
Vicki Newman
Trade Creditors
Hello I have a new client who has given me his Balance Sheet and P & L for last year, and he has asked me to look at his accounts for this year. His Balance sheet reads: Current Assets Cash at Bank 1201 Creditors 1190 Amounts falling due in one year Capital and Rese...
QBE Book-Keeping
Wish me luck......
I'm probably about to lose my only client because I'm too bloody honest! (They have asked me to post something in a completely fictitious manner that favours them a few quid with regards to VAT - I'm not comfortable doing it). Anyone got any clients going spare - I'll need a new one soon!
Contractors - Travel & living away allowance
Morning everyone, I am completing the year end accounts for an IT Contractor who undertakes short term contracts in Europe and around the UK. Each contract lasts betweeen 1 and 6 months and when in Europe he spends one month away at a time and in the week returns only at weekends. In the clients records h...
New Client looking for Accountant
Went to see a new client last week small Ltd company with 3 directors. Last year (2009-10) was their first year roughly 60 transactions a month done on excel income and expenditure split into different expenses. They hired an accountant who quoted them £540 unfortunately due to family circumstan...
Marketing Letter to potential clients
Hi, I want to send a marketing letter to a certain group of potential clients, is there any problems in doing this?
"One thing that I have got to get away from is attempting to do everything myself. "
Hi This line above was lifted from a 'bookkeepers collectives' post earlier this month (Shaun?) and although the thread was of interest (as well as the 'mobiles v landlines' thread and the general 'I v We' discussion......i.e., sole traders giving off the impression of being bigger), I was particu...
Obtaining new Clients
Hi, This is my 1st post so I will keep it brief. I am thinking of setting up a practise with a colleague of mine, both of us are CIMA members and have worked as accountants for 10 years +. How do you go about getting clients? Obviously friends and family first but then what - advertising, marketing, if so whe...
Starting up a bookkeeping business
Hi everyone, I am desperate for some advice. I am a PQ accountant and have been working in finance for 10 years. I want to start up my own bookkeeping business however I wanted to find out (from different people's experiences) how long it takes to take it off the ground and start earning a living from it, b...
In a good place tonight...
Hi, hope you're all having a good evening. I'm quite relaxed tonight. I've had what feels like my first 'test' since going it alone. The accountant preparing the year end accounts for my first and only client has only come back with only 3 queries from the info I sent him, and given the state the books wer...
Meeting with potential client
I have a meeting with a potential client tomorrow who has just opened a shop recently offering services with this new fish/feet treatment that seems to be hitting everywhere at the moment (I think it must be the equivalent of the tanning station boom a decade ago). I am just taking a look through possib...
(Tax-) allowable subsistence expenses incurred on business away from home - remix
Hello all, Following on from the excellent discussion which recently concluded on allowable expenses, eating and subsistence (or, in one case subsidence - sorry; not poking fun, it just made me smile on a hard day). My query is really to do with applying HMRC's rules in my bookkeeping. Here goes...
Allowable Expenses
Hi! So glad I've found this forum! I have recently started work for a new client, he is a sole trader and works from home. Hejaz just given me his receipts from the beginning of trading and has included stacks of receipts for dinners and lunches with clients, as I understand it from HMRC this is not an allo...
Further cash flow issues - would you keep working?
Hi All Back from holiday to some not good news. My client's cashflow position has got worse, one client seems to be folding and the diretcors are asking me to go into the overdraft on order to pay the remainder of their salaries for this month. What do you do? I can see they have these problems, should I kee...
visa application (self employed)
Hi all, I have just started my own business, and have few things i would like to know, i have a client that is self employed, Non EU. and wish to apply for tier 1 highly skilled visa. i wish to know what and what i need to prepare for him, in terms of reports and ducuments from his business as a self employed...
Bookkeeping Practice
Hi, I am new in this forum.I got degree in BSc Engineering but got reduntant due to economic crisis.As I got good mathmatics background I am going to start AAT course this september.I was doing OCR accredited Bookkeeping Course but couldn't manage to finish as the people who were offering the course...