I'm just wondering whether any other bookkeepers use the internet to advertise their services? I've heard of some businesses using Myspace, Facebook and even Youtube to attract business.
Has anyone any experience of this, as I'd like to try this myself.
Funnily enough I obtained a new client from Friends Reunited. In my profile I mentioned I ran my own bookkeeping business, and an old school friend got in touch who runs a hairdressers. I now do her accounts!
I think it's always worth doing, may even try Myspace etc.
Like most people I'm listed on Friendsreunited and also Facebook. As of yet I've not attracted any new clients from these sources (although to be fair I didn't expect to and it wasn't my reason for signing up). I believe the best source of internet advertising is Google Adwords. I've found this quite successful because you can target your advertising to specefic keywords for example your local area.
Have also just signed up with a website called 'TheBestof.co.uk'. Have heard some good things regarding this site, and will keep you all informed of how it goes.