Hi I have qualifications from icb for Manual level 1 and 2 Computerised level 2 and payroll level 3.
Does anyone who has started up on there own through icb,feel it is necessary to purchase bookcert kit or is support from icb enough to start up by myself from home
I am studing towards ICB and have recently purchased the Bookcert Business Kit. The kit is approx. 200 pages long and about half of that deals with basic bookkeeping and how to use a simple spreadsheet method of a clients books, its written in an easy to understand way and even if you have some bookkeeping knowledge its still useful and has some good tips. The other 100 odd pages is about the specifics of starting your own bookkeeping business from scratch and has some good marketing ideas, how to price your work etc, along with all the things you need to start trading and it also includes a website, I have 20 years experiance in bookkeeping, although no qualifications, and the reason I brought it was for the information on starting the business.
That being said, I am also about to start doing the ICB qualification as I want to be able to demonstrate to my clients that I have a formal qualification, I notice on their website that for members they have a marketing section specifically to help people set up their own business, obvisously I do not have access to this yet as I am not a member yet, but you could try looking at that first.
I paid £297, which for a website, manual and some software (excel spreadsheet, for cashbook - purchases, receipts, bank rec, cash rec, income & expenditure report and vat rec) so fairly good value, I think. I am pleased with with it, I know there are some other threads on here, type Bookcert into search and see what others have said.