I'm always searching the net for alternatives to accounts software offered by the larger software providers. For people just starting out on a tight budget, I just found this one http://www.ezpzsoftware.co.uk/ezpzaccounts.html which can be downloaded and trialled for 30 days and is the full version.
Certainly worth a look as it supports multiple businesses..which is the the biggest barrier for people buying Sage et al as that option is too expensive when you are just starting out.
If you do like to consider all your options it might be worth checking out e-conomic.
They've given all of our members in practice (incl our free members) a free subscription for their own use which can certainly be a great way to trial and get to know a package (without worrying about a trial period).
We've also negotiated bureau rates too which are very low for software like this. A few other benefits and you can find out more on the full offer at our e-conomic partner page here.