I am studying from home at the moment doing the manual bookkeeping course. In order to give myself a bit of a confidenct boost and because I think that I am ready, I am going to be taking the level 1 manual book keeping (basic) certificate exam. I looked on the ICB main website and I can take the test from home but it says that I will need my own accounting software package to complete the exam?
Has anyone taken this exam? Where did you get your accounting package from? Any tips to give me to help me pass? I have ordered a past paper from the website to see what it looks like. If it looks like something that I can do I will go for the exam, if it looks a little complicated then I will study for a bit longer.
You do not need an accounting package for ICB level 1 The exam comes in the form of a workbook which you fill in and return to ICB within 2 weeks (They tend to send out the exams once a week on a friday)
You will see the format better when you receive the mock you have sent for. this even comes with the answer sheet so you can evaluate your current knowledge yourself
Thank you Julie and Steve, I must have misread the information on the website! Ooops. Oh yeah, you needed the software for the basic computerised exam, silly me.
I am looking forward to receving the mock paper so that hopefully it will boost my confidence a little if I take my exam and pass. I am getting along with it quite nicely at the moment, its just the thought of going out on my own as a self employed book keeper is a little daunting at the moment.
Thanks again Julie. Baby steps is all I want to take at the mo as I have two small children and they need to be my priority. I must say, so far I have found this place very helpful and friendly
Hi terri, I have a copy of Level 1 exam, if u need it i can scan n send it to u by email. all question are same only they changes the amounts n business name.