Just wondering whether any other book-keepers offer a referral incentive scheme to their existing clients. I've had a few referrals but I'm not sure I'm making the most of the opportunities available. I was thinking about offering my clients a £50 discount off their monthly fee if they refer any clients to me. Has anyone done anything similar?
I've never had anything formal in place but when I've received a referral I've made sure I send the client a nice bottle of wine. This always seems to go down well!
"People who are exceptionally good in business arent so because of what they know but because of their insatiable need to know more"
I'd be reluctant to make a fixed amount offer as it depends on the size of the client you might get and the work involved.
I know quite a few that when offering a financial reward it seems to be around 10% of the fee, so if it's a larger client the reward would of course reflect this.
It does depend on your relationship with clients too. Some relationships may require financial incentive, whereas others may simply appreciate the service and a closer relationship and refer people to you naturally... this is usually where that nice bottle of wine is a decent gesture!