I am starting a new bookkeeping business and am aiming to obtain say 20-30 new small business customers and eventually medium businesses once I have gained more experience.
I have been browsing the Sage website trying to find suitable software but there are so many to choose from. Does anyone have any recommendations?
I need training on this and have checked the Ideal Schools website which offers Sage Instant Accounts software but I understand this is only useful for small businesses and therefore I may quickly outgrow it.
I did my ICB with Sage, however now I have started doing bookkeeping commercially I used VT Transaction +. It's simple, its free (for now) it can handle multiple businesses.
The views expressed in this post are my own personal (HRA protected) views, and are not representative of any organisation I have any involvement with.
I also did my ICB computerised level 2 training using Sage Instant Accounts but due to the price of buying a Sage program that can handle several different companies, I am only going to start using it if I get a client that insists that I use it.
It is a lot of money to shell out if you are starting a business and some clients would be just as happy with you using VT or an exel spreadsheet.
Have you tried ringing Sage direct and asking them which product they would recommend?