Hello - I am new here but everyone seems very helpful. My question is my client wants to bring their payroll inhouse and they want me to increase my hours with them and take this on. I have told them that I can learn payroll as it was on my to do list BUT they are going to buy Sage 50 Payroll which costs £120 to learn whereas the Instant payroll is £33. Would I miss out on a huge amount by teaching myself Instant and then learning 50 Payroll on the job? I say this as money is tight but I do not want to jepodise the trust with the client
Don't know where they are getting Sage Payroll for £120. My clients pay £280 + VAT for Sage Cover on Payroll 50 which effectively gives them a new package every year. Instant is a potted down version of 50 (less bells and whistles) and has an upper limit of 10 employees per year (including leavers).
I think you would be fine learning on Instant and transferring that to trhe full package, I don't think they look too differently, as Selmsley says it is just a potted down version and it is pretty straightforward to do the basics. Aparrt from learning how to use the software , make sure you familiarise yourself with payroll fundamentals too, look into understanding tax codes, week 1 basis/cumulative and nics. If you can do payroll manually with the old tables it assists in your overall understanding.
The Sage Instant product will be ideal to learn how to do computerised payroll and to just do the payroll any of the Sage products will be fine. But you will need to have some understanding of tax codes, SMP, SSP because when you do run the payroll employees will always come to you with queries and expect you to have the answer.