Could someone please help with my assignment question, i cant seem to get my balance sheet to balance and im not sure where i am going wrong.
Here goes.....The Chairman of Hawsker & District Allotment Holders Society has asked you to prepare their annual accounts for the year ended 31 Dec 07. You issue a letter of engagement in which you agree a free od 125.
The societys treasurer supplies you with the following info:
Receipts: Allotment holders rent and water 8520 Bank interest 125
Payments: Wages 950 Water 3150 Council Rent 3700 Repairs and Renewals 720 JCB Hire 310 Stationary 75 Purchase of second hand trailer 900 Allotment Prize 100 Insurance 300 Chrysanthermum Show Prize 75
Deposit a/c 31/12/07 2000 Current a/c 315
At 31 Dec07 amounts outstanding from allotment holders for rent was 650. Accruals for rent ans water were 950 & 400 and insurance pre-paid 30. All fixed assets are depreciated at 10% reducing balance.