I am very interested in maybe starting a career in bookkeeping. I am a little concerned that i may not have the full picture here of what i need in the way of qualifications to become a bookkeeper!. I have completed my AAT and at present i am also studying ACCA. I have experience of purchase ledger, sales ledger, credit control, payroll etc. The question i am asking are my qualifications and experience good enough to start bookkeeping or do i need other qualifications?
If you completed AAT (MAAT) you would have to apply for a practice licence with them and this would cover you for MLR,too. You do not need ICB qualification, your AAT is a higher one than ICB would be. There are certain restrictions in what you are allowed to offer as services but these you would have to discuss with AAT and with ACCA who will restrict you,too even if you are a student member with previous qualifications. Probably Shaun could tell you more about ACCA restriction, he is not around much nowadays but you could search for related threads on this forum.
Hi Chris, a very long time! I started my first company in 1979 and computerised the bookkeeping there in 1981 on a humble BBC Model B computer. I went on to found the software company Accountz, but most of my time is now spent helping small businesses succeed.
Chris, yes, you can most definitely go straight into bookkeeping :) The only drawback to belonging to any institution is needing to follow their rules, so for example, you wont be able to carry out payroll services if you don't take that institutions payroll exam.
If you don't bother joining any organisation and also don't take any exams, then you can freely do payroll and bookkeeping (after registering with HMRC for money laundering). Seems daft, but there you have it.