Hi there, quick question re invoices for Limited Companies, I have just taken over new client and some of her expenses for example telephone bill are not in the Ltd company name but in her personal name with the business address on, can I still put it though the accounts and claim the VAT as well? or would it be seen as a personal invoice and therefore a taxable benefit? Any advise appreciated. Thanks
An acceptable full VAT invoice must show the customers name or trading name on it, so in the case of a ltd company it should show that name or an alternative trading name of the company.
An extract from HMRC and a link to the relevant webpage
What a VAT invoice must show
A VAT invoice must show:
an invoice number which is unique and follows on from the number of the previous invoice - if you spoil or cancel a serially numbered invoice, you must keep it to show to a VAT officer at your next VAT inspection
the seller's name or trading name, and address
the seller's VAT registration number
the invoice date
the time of supply (also known as tax point) if this is different from the invoice date - see below
the customer's name or trading name, and address
a description sufficient to identify the goods or services supplied to the customer
Thanks very much for that, but do you think it would be a acceptable to just claim the expense gross and not split out the VAT without there being a Ltd Company name on the invoice and just input as T1 on sage (gross amount) and zero VAT. Thanks
If it has the business address on I would ring the company and ask if they can re-issue the invoice with the name of the company then she will be able to reclaim the VAT and ask them to change this on their system so that in future she gets correct bills.