I am studying Level 3 with Ideal Schools at the moment. Did you complete the mock exam before you did the real thing, if so was the exam layout similar to the mock exam?
Remington - I did the online mock and the old style paper mocks. Although good practice I would rely on the online mock more, as it is the style of exam now completed.
Thanks guys. Nice to know I don't have to worry about deadlines anymore for my membership.
Now just have to think about further learning and if its worth doing it with ICB, as much of this is moving forward to accounting stuff covered by AAT etc, which are recognised in that field.
I am happy with membership of ICB for bookkeeping etc but learning accounts with them does seem a bit pointless - any other views??
Just had a quick look at Level 4 overview and it seems very similar to AAT as it was when I studied it up to 6 years ago. When I get through ICB L3, soon hopefully, I will be wondering what to do too. I suppose it would depend on whether ICB L3 will exempt me to same level in AAT. Also costs of alternative routes (past papers, exams, etc), exam formats (doing at home is attractive). Last but not least benefits - AAT is well established, how will the market rate ICB L4?
I have had a look at the Level IV and it looks really good and i think there is some really good tehnical stuff in there.
the only downside (which no doubt ICB will pull me up on) is the fact that not being QCF means that should you want to go further you wouldnt get any exemptions from higher bodies, despite what is being covered is the same as AAT level four which gets you 5 exemptions with ICAEW, and a number with ACCA. There will be alot of work involved, which is a good thing, as noone wants an easy qualification, but for the same work you get the more potential with the AAT. By the look of it you will not be able to rattle the exams as quickly as levels II and III due to the shear amount of knowledge required.
If you definitely do not want to go further, it looks a really worth while qualification.
The areas it covers though does leave the remit of a bookkeeper far behind, group accounting for example is quite technical stuff for a qualified accountant, but i am all for offering more opportunities.
Thats exactly it. Would be nice to learn more etc etc and stay with the ICB but if you join AAT or other and start down their route, would you then be limited to what you could offer in terms of business to clients under either ICB or AAT?
It would be great for the ICB to become more recognised and I think there is alot of politics involved as ICB do not want to lower their standards in order to join QCF.
Re my post 7 Oct, took the exam this morning and passed.....with 97%
I did say I would try to emulate you Philip!
Just got to finish the L3C exam (mostly done now), send it off and hope for a pass. I'll then have 3-4 weeks waiting for the result, but as I've done nothing but study and take exams for the last two months, having some time to think about how I'm going to start a business will be a nice change. Lots of useful stuff posted recently to trawl through for ideas.