I'm preparing an account for a letting agent using Sage and I don't really understand how to post Rent received from tenant and Rent payment to Landlord. My clients are acting as agent for Landlord so they collect rent from tenants, deduct their commission and disbursement and pay the balance to Landlord.
I tried using sales N/C (4000 etc) in Sage for rent receive, but this has affected the P&L account so I have deleted the transactions.
I don't have problem posting commissions received from Landlord by my client.
My only problem is how to process rent receive from tenant and payment to Landlord. Which Nominal Code would you use for this transaction please?
I would classify the rent collected as money in trust therefore it would be posted into a control account net of commission with commission going to 4902 and the rent as both a liability and asset
Can I add one thing, get the client to have a client bank account and not juts use the one account for all. This can be a dangerous area and having the 2 accounts makes life easier when reconciling.