Hi folks, Im most of the way thru my Computerised accounts course using Sage Instant accounts. im doing the practice exam and for some reason have a whole load of comments come up on my file maintenance check date. They say 'transaction no** posted on date 01042007' I changed the financial year to april 2007 ( as required) and then changed the program date to 01/04/2007. Ive since wracked my brains to figure out the comments and tried changing the program date to todays date, hey presto all the comments are gone. So, my question is, when doing the practice tests should you use a program date of todays date?
What are you trying to do? Is it year end? If your financial year started on the 1st of April 2007 (if you changed your financial year to April 2007 it means it starts on that date) than you cannot set your program date to the same to run year end...
Thank you! Im not really gelling with sage yet and Im finding working thru the worbooks very dry, it doesnt suit my learning methods. Instead Im finding my way working from practice exams and assignments and teaching myself, i think its much harder if your not actually using a program like that at work...anyways, i went back it and changed the program date back to current and its all sorted itself out. Financial year is correct and the transaction dates are correct....hopefully i sorted it. many thanks! fiona
That's good. The only reason you have to change your program date normally is not to include transactions after the end of financial year in your reports. When you do these practice papers there isn't any transaction outside the year anyway so just leaving it on current date should be ok anyway. If your year started April 2007 you should set your program date to April 2008 to run year end but in your case as I said would not make any difference. In your actual exam you will have to do it otherwise I think you will loose marks even if your figures are right.