I had already registered a business for VAT and CIS but not, it seems, PAYE.
As I already have auser id and the ocmpnay is registered for the other services, it seems painless to add the PAYE module. However it is still syaing to the side of the PAYE module 'click to activate service' although it says further down that I can make returns. I even mentions that I can make returns using third party software - in my case Sage - although reading through the Sage y/e checklist, it suggests that I will receive an error mesage if my status is not 'Active'.
I will find out soon enough....but has anyone experienced this?
I thoughT the activation code was just to alllow changes to the company PAYE settings.....much like the way VAT module works. You only need the user id and password to do most things.....like file a return which is all I want to do in PAYE.
I guess I could wait (for the activation code) and continue into the current year by installing the update for 2011/12 into a separate folder???
With HMRC you need to "activate" each "service" you require, you can't just register say VAT then expect to file your PAYE return. Sorry, but you'll have to wait for your activation code.