I have a potential client who basically want me to run his end of year P35 return he only has one employee and the rest are subbies (who I will deal with in a minute). Now for the one employee he has only been able to give me the date and the cheques he paid him and has me to work out the gross. I have downloaded 12 pay but i cant seem to work how to just simply enter a net pay and date for each payment throughout 2010 - 11. Like the way I was able to to it with Sage payroll??
Can this be done?
Also, as he is wanting me to take over his PAYE and CIS payments, deductions & returns for this year, I was wondering is 12pay suffiecient for doing and also printing out the subcontractors statements for each month??
Select the pay period tab (one with green tick) on their file. At the bottom of the form is a net to gross box. Enter the net amount of pay for that period and click the Gross button. You should see the grossed up amount, in the pay details at the top of the form.
For CIS payments you will need to buy and download the CIS extension on from the website
This link should take you to the features page of the website, to review the function.
To amplify Bill's comment a little. The CIS module does what you need it to, you can verify the Subbies and file your monthly returns online and the software produces a "payslip" showing the deduction as appropriate.
I like it.
Responses are intended as outline only. Formal advice should be sort from your Institutes Technical Department or a suitably qualified Accountant.
It really is much appreciated. I have always used the sage paroll software to run payroll for clients but 12pay look to be more versitile albeit it also looks to be more complex from an intial point of view. However, i guess like all software it take time to learn how it works and where to find it.
Im heading to the 12pay website now to hopefully find out more about the software.