I am currently studying bcompt accounting science and what to open my own small bookkeeping business from home, can someone assist me in some training?
I want to use pastel software and i am currrently working in a clerk position not in the finance department.
I do have a little experience in writing up books and debtors and creditors experience.
Doing bookkeeping as a business is more difficult than when working for someone; you will be exposed to many different businesses which, although the bookkeeping is relatively the same, there may be parts that you may not have come across such as recording transactions for CIS and the like.
First of, register with someone like the ICB (very good organisation of which I also am a member) and study their materials. The computerised course is good but I would also look at studying manual bookkeeping - usually computer software does the 2nd entry for you (ie enter supplier invoice which posts debit to P&L but software writes the credit to the balance sheet). Understanding manual bookkeeping will pay massive dividends.
Finding a job as a bookkeeper will also help as it will give you the real world experience - but I would look to try and get one in a practice so you are exposed to many different types of business thus helping you with point 1 above.
A mentor is also good; someone you can call on if you're stuck on an issue or unsure of how to post a transaction but you can always use this forum.
ICB in South Africa is actually linked to IAB in the UK, not the ICB in the UK
Students of ICB South Africa take the same exams as the IAB UK students take. (This is why IAB qualifications taken overseas are recognised for points with the for UK Immigration)
You need to talk to ICB South Africa about what you can and cannot do.