Having never dealt with a business that has both of the above before (which surprised me) I've never come across the question...
...if you have an existing CIS scheme can you add PAYE to it, or does the PAYE have to have a separate set of reference numbers? If you can add it, is it a matter of phoning up and asking?
Responses are my opinion based on the information provided. All information should be thoroughly checked before being relied on.
I believe Nick is correct. I have just done this with my own company. We were registered CIS and I had to phone HMRC to advise them we were going to be operating PAYE. This is so they can set you up correclty then you get your P35 etc etc and they will be expecting P45/P46 info from you too. If you use online filing I think (memory is failing!!) you will need to register for the PAYE online as it's seperate from the CIS.