Sorry to ask another question (might not be the last, year end is upon me).
I have debtors in my records that I should not have because they have paid. I think their payment must have been matched to the wrong customer. I need to know the best way to clear.
Unfortunatley doing it the right way - finding the receipt and what it has paid will be almost impossible, I would have to go back to year dot and repost every invoice and every receipt - the books were a bit of a mess when I took over, with incorrect dates in Sage and misposted items and there are hundreds of the same amount.
So I'm going to have to accept that some lucky customer has probably got away without paying! Hey ho, and clear the unpaid invoices some other way.
Anyone know what's best - dummy credit note? But where would I post it, a write off to bad debt perhaps?
By the way, I do read other people's posts and think about replying, but not confident enough in my own skills to share them about!!
I think in this case I would raise a credit note on Sage and in the nominal code box use 8100 (Bad debt write off) but I would make sure the narrative explained what happened, so that any one else looking at the accounts doesn't think the customer is a bad payer.
If the amount is a fairly unique amount, you might be able to narrow down the incorrect posting, using the Find button in the Company > Financials module. Select Amount Paid or Net Amount and Whole in the drop down filters. Just a thought, as you may be able to correct the error and follow up on the correct customer.
Before you write off the amount, might be worth reconciling as many transactions as you can, make notes of all adjustment made rather than just writing off the whole amount. Also, how come you have amount to write off is this due to duplication? Try and import your reports in excel and see if you can locate any duplicates etc.... How old are the debts?
Thanks for your replies and apologies for the lateness of my reply.
Wella Bill, already thought of searching in the bank and tried but unfortunately the amounts are not unique, there must be thousands, well maybe only hundreds of £58.75, and some of the dates in the bank in Sage are meaningless.
WKM - I think the error is due to posting a receipt to the wrong customer account, or matching a receipt to the wrng invoice, as I also have unmatched receipts of thesame amount, or similar but with very different dates and not the same number of receipts as unpaid invoices!!!
I think the best option to to W/O as per Wella Bill. To look into it any further will, I think, cost more in time, with no guarentee of a successful outcome. These are all over 6 months some a year old items and the errors don't happen anymore.
Maria, it must be pain with all the mess. If you have all you can you haven't got a choice rather than write if all of. But like wella suggested please please make notes and keep a record of all the transactions you have written off in case anything every arise in future. Good luck.