Hi all. HMRC have not assessed an earlier year (2007/08 £2500 owing) but issued a P800 for 2008/09 in May 2011 with a debt of £3100 along with 2009/10 OVERPAYMENT of £1000.
This is an old school friend and I'd like to do my very best for him. The factors are:-
The company wages office was not helpful. He wouldn't sign a P46 saying he had another job or pension and I think they've just stuck him on BR without even asking for a P45 (he's brought 3 P45's to me, so he's quite good at keeping records)
He is highly educated and yet did not question code BR though he was on £50K+ BIK
This went on for 2½ years during which time the office (a national newspaper) was completely run down with redundancies. He was therefore loath to cause a stir and there was nobody on hand to ask after the first few months.
My question is; should I let sleeping dogs lie or appeal? I can quite envisage the Revenue assessing the earlier year as a counter-attack and in fact, he's £2500 better off than if he'd queried BR straight away.