Hi I work for a small company and look after the accounts side, I have no actual qualifications in this just experience. I do the accounts to year end.
Work have said they will pay for a book keeping course. I wondered if anyone could suggest one please?
I've looked at the Sage bookkeeping course as I use Sage line 50.
The right course really depends on whether you want face to face teaching, or are happy with distance learning. I did the ICB course by distance learning and it worked for me. I am now doing an HNC in Accounts and I really like the face to face teaching where you can ask questions there and then.
I am bias as I work for the ICB, but I do think their examinations are the most flexible for distance learning.
If you wanted college training best to pop in or call your local colleges. It might work out cheaper as you could get funding.
Most colleges will provider a good qualification at the end of their course, probably AAT, IAB or OCR.
What to study:
This will depend on where you want to go with your qualification. Sage courses tend to only show you how to use the software, rather than any actual bookkeeping. This is fine if this is what you want.
If however you wanted to progress further in bookkeeping then either ICB, AAT or IAB will suit. You can also do OCR or City and Guilds but you need to do all the modules which not all colleges provide. I can talk more about these if you like.
If you were aiming for accountancy then an AAT course at your local college would probably be the best route. Followed by ACCA/ICAEW. Shaun might be best to talk about this if it interest you.
Alternatively don't do a course and just buy the text books to support your experience and sit the examinations.