I have a query relating to the CIS treatment of income received for a Recuitment consultants in the Construction industry.
So far I have ascertained that the client has two revenue streams, as follows:
1.) One-off income from permanent placements
2.) Monthly income from sub-contractors in the CIS Scheme
According to the information that I have read, the income from permanent placements is not subject to CIS as the Recruitment Consultants act merely as a agency in finding a candidate. Whereas, the income received for the CIS Candidates is dealt with under normal CIS rules.
The query is that our client would like to obtain Gross Payment Status but the majority of its income is from permanent placements (Non-CIS) and the CIS Income is below the £ 30 k limit to pass the Turnover Test (in the CIS Industry).
Has anybody got an experience in this industry as our client wants to ensure that there Gross Payment Status application is accepted first time around as there is then a 12 month wait to re-apply.