I have created a custom nominal ledger activity report that includes the project references.
However the issue I have is that when I run the report all activity that does not have a project reference is duplicated which is then giving wrong totals at the end the section.
I have tried to aulter the links between the tables to see if this will help however this hasnt worked.
Any suggestions that I can get would be greatly appreciated.
I think I read somewhere on the Sage forum a problem similar to this where totals on reports were duplicated. I think it turned out to be a bug. But best to go over there and ask the question (You will have to create a log on).
I ended up posting on there and the issue is now resolved :)
it turned out to be that there were too many tables and one of them was causing the duplicating data, so with a bit of trial and error I found out which ones I needed and left out the rest :)