My business partner and I are currently setting up a Bookkeeping firm. We have our MLR, registered with HMRC at this precise time and we will soon be registered with IAB as members. We are looking for advice on the opertional side of the business and what controls you may have in place. Instead of going back in forth with e-mails we thought it would be more benificail, for us, to come and see these operations and controls in person. We want our firm to get off to the best possible start and we do not want to miss out on anything important Our office will be situated in Edinburgh and anyone who can help and has the time for us to visit we would appreciate very much. Travel, time and dates will not be an issue and we will be more and happy to pay for your time.
If you are going to join the IAB, you will need to register with them for MLR soon afterwards. They have a very good members handbook which is available on the member only section. It includes sample agreements, templates and other things you will find extremely useful.
I'd love to help, if I could find from free time, but I seem to be overstretched at the moment. (The IAB L4 dip personal & business tax is exceeding expectations, the bookkeepers I am mentoring are getting vey busy and my own accountancy practice clients are getting busier than ever, so I am not seing any of the doom and gloom of the economy the press keep going on about).