Is the manual exam like the mock. Finally got it booked for November but now have seen some slots up town for Thursday this week, just want it out the way!
From memory in the mock there were about 15 - 20 tasks/questions and you could click and go back to any you missed out by clicking a link down the left hand side of page. I don't think you get that in the real thing and you have to keep clicking the back arrows. Not to much bother as you're not going to be going back 10 questions anyway.
One thing I did was I prepared a balance sheet even though it wasn't asked for in the exam. When it didn't balance it meant I had to look for the mistake. Because of subtotals this could have been costly as it affected other figures. I eventually got 98% so could have lost 7% or 8% had I not found the error. I think I only had about 10 minutes to spare at the end so I was cutting it fine.
Never buy black socks from a normal shop. They shaft you every time.
Thanks Peasie. Well done on passing the computerised.
What I want to know is are the questions like the mock? I can't be doing going back over questions, manual II it started changing my answers so don't want that to happen again.
The questions are roughly the same as the mock. In fact, I'm sure one of the multiple choice questions was exactly the same - the reason I know this is I put the same wrong answer both times. I definitely got it wrong in the mock and I'm almost certain I went for the same choice in the real thing. If I was asked the same question today I'd probably still get it wrong.
What do you mean by "it started changing my answers? I think once you've wrote your answer in that's it stuck. So if you change one figure yourself it won't change the sub totals elsewhere.
Never buy black socks from a normal shop. They shaft you every time.
All I remember was thinking omg its changing my answers when I went back at which point I corrected them and decided to leave it and hit the finish button. Lost marks for not putting in the minus sign even though it did say less (thought it was obvious and didn't need to put in another minus) and also the other question I got wrong it changed it but I didn't notice. Learnt from that, I was horrified at what had happened when I came out the exam never thought to say anything though. Will watch out on this one.
just a quick question im planning on starting my level 3 soon but wasnt going to go through a training provider this time. Did you go with a training provider? and any advise
I did this course with a provider (Ideal Schools). I posted on the ICB forum that I wouldn't have got a pass without using them - but I got a higher mark than I anticipated due to the additional measures I took. I bought all the mock exams available in the ICB shop as well as one that Ideal Schools provided and there was also one in a book by Dr Peter Marshall. I also bought the book by Kaplan with 29 questions in it and a mock exam. I know all these mock exams were in the old style paper format but it still helped me with the knowledge required. I did each exam one time that when I got stuck I'd look in the answers for hints. I'd then do them all again without any hints. I was just so determined to get as high a mark as possible. I know a pass is a pass - but for my own confidence I wanted a high mark. I await someone coming on saying you should be striving for 100% regardless.
Never buy black socks from a normal shop. They shaft you every time.
Thank you for your reply. I only reason i ask is that i wasted a lot of money doing my level 1 & 2 through long distance that i thought i could do 3 on my own, second thoughts now.. Ok will look at ideal school, i know they have been highly recommended I totally agree you should work towards 100% makes you work harder in getting a good score, however get slightly disappointed if its lower than you expected.