Only VAT-registered agents can use the ESL and RCSL online services for their clients. These services are not currently available to non VAT-registered agents.
Great. Thanks. That's soooo helpful right now.
Responses are my opinion based on the information provided. All information should be thoroughly checked before being relied on.
Thats bad. C&E wanted to exclude us altogether from VAT Return filing and I corresponded with a member of the JCCV on that a few years ago. They had to back down but it seems they still want to restrain trade
I remember that situation, you didn't used to be able to do online VAT filing at all at one point. I just don't see the point in not being able to submit this form online. The ESL is annoying anyway as it has to be in two weeks before the VAT100 form that it relates to!
Responses are my opinion based on the information provided. All information should be thoroughly checked before being relied on.
Or indeed why isn't the ESL Return on the VAT 100 itself. Small businesses really don't wish to be visiting VAT matters twice in the same month, and their agents certainly don't.