Welcome to the BKN Weekly Bulletin, our weekly update to keep members informed of the latest BKN website updates, just to ensure you don't miss anything new!
This weeks updates:
- Who Needs Professional Indemnity Insurance? (Posted Friday 14th October 2011)http://tiny.cc/stvga
-London Riots Book-keeping Implication (Posted Friday 14th October 2011)http://tiny.cc/msptj
-Client's Stuck in the UK? (Posted Friday 14th October 2011)http://tiny.cc/sv1u0
- Our 'Find a book-keeper Directory' - Book-keepers wishing to be included in the BKN 'Find a book-keeper Directory' are advised to check out BKN Full Membership, which includes a wide variety of resources and costs just £24 per year. http://www.book-keepers.net/join-us.
- BKN Bookkeeping Awards - With a little over two weeks left to vote in the BKN Bookkeeping Awards 2011, please take the time to visit www.bookkeepingawards.co.uk to vote for your favourite book-keeper, accounting firm, software provider, tuition provider, franchise or institute. Your vote really does count!