For any purchase or sales invoice which misses the VAT quarter - QB puts these transactions on a VAT Exception Report.
My question is how do you get those transactions onto the next VAT report. If I run the VAT from 1st October - 31st December - those 'late' transactions which are dated 30.9.11 do not appear on the report.
I know that when this happens with Sage - you just run the next VAT period and those missed transactions will automatically appear on the report.
Are you on Standard VAT accounting or cash accounting? I am using QB Pro 2010 and cash accounting and when I run the VAT 100 report the late entered amounts appear at the top of the report list (for each box of the VAT return) as an amount with a warning triangle next to it. However, I must admit that I am a little confused with this as when you double click on this figure it brings up the VAT Exception report and the figure on this report does not seem to agree with the figure in the VAT report!
Amanda is probably the person to ask as she has been using QB longer than me!
I'm another who would be interested in this as I do not understand the QB VAT exception report at all!! THankfully I don't have to use it very often but I'd still like to know how to treat things on it.
I am on 2008 and I don't appear to have this report on mine. It does appear at the top of each box if you go into it like Pauline said but I would have to pur a previous quarters dtaes in to actually bring up those figures. But I agree the figures if anything is from the previous quarter that didn't get put on in that quarter will automatcially go into the next report, its is similar to Sage. Sorry I am not alot of help today!
Thanks for that.....I had a sudden thought this morning over breakfast that I remember you saying that you didn't have 2010 so wouldn't have the VAT exception report. I'm sure I remember reading that in changing from 2008 to 2010 that Intuit said that they had improved the VAT reporting in the new version and that the VAT report would now pick up postings in previous VAT periods and automatically include them in the new period.
QB help says the following about the Exception report:-
"This report lists the transactions containing VAT that have been added, modified or deleted in prior filed VAT periods and have changed the company's VAT liability.
It identifies the transactions that have changed and the amount of the change"
Still have the unanswered question though as to why the figure on the VAT return is different to the figure on the exception report! No doubt I will figure it out eventually!
Sorry I couldn't be of more help Pauline. The reason I haven't changed and upgraded is I don't do payroll off of my as it too expensive, so because I only use it for small LTD's and Self Employed Bookkeeping I haven't felt the need to upgrade as yet. I haven't got support anymore either as I felt it was a waste of time!
No problem Amanda.....can't expect you to know everything! lol
The client that I use QB at pays for the payroll, support and upgrades on a monthly basis, which is going up in December from £62 a month to £84 a month (exc VAT). I thought that was extortionate, so I have managed to persuade her to go over to Moneysoft payroll.
I will have a play around with offline data and see if I can't come up with an answer Clare!
Hi there - thank you for all your replies. The version on QB I am using is the online version. I have phoned the helpdesk wth my query and was on the line for 40 mins and they still could not resolve my problem. They are supposed to be phoning me back but as yet have not heard from them. When I hear I will keep you posted!
The helpdesk is a complete waste of time. Half time they can't answer your query, and when they can they invite you to complete a performance survey - in other-words, they don't get bad reviews, their performance figures are fixed.
Quickbooks has an online forum that is far more helpful, other users could answer your query. I use QB 2010, and, as listed above, just click on the figure to bring up the report. I have found that the figures have not matched as well, but in my case this was because of transactions going further back than the previous quarter.
If you are still stuck, check out