Welcome to the BKN Weekly Bulletin, our weekly update to keep members informed of the latest BKN website updates, just to ensure you don't miss anything new!
This weeks updates:
-Are Your Clients On the Taxman's Target List?(Posted Thursday 23rd December 2011)http://goo.gl/UifyJ
- Online VAT Filing Compulsory from 1st April 2012(Posted Thursday 23rd December 2011) http://goo.gl/hTO6M
-Intercom VAT Registry (Posted Thursday 23rd December 2011) http://goo.gl/qvmrY
-Our 'Find a book-keeper Directory' - Book-keepers wishing to be included in the BKN 'Find a book-keeper Directory' are advised to check out BKN Full Membership, which includes a wide variety of resources and costs just £24 per year. http://www.book-keepers.net/join-us.
We would like to wish all BKN members and associates a merry christmas and a propsperous new year. In addition, we would like to thank everyone for their continued support of BKN - we look forward to an exciting 2012 with many new developments in the pipeline!
Please note that the BKN offices will be closed from Friday 23rd December to Monday 2nd January 2012. We will re-open on Tuesday 3rd January 2012. All online BKN facilities will continue to operate as normal during the festive and new year period.
Kind regards and seasons greetings,
Ross and Steve Ross Brinsdon AFA & Steven Hillman ACCA BKN Directors