At the top of the Sage window go to Modules, then Financials.
Click on the VAT icon towards the middle right of the window that is now displayed.
Enter the date range you want the VAT return to cover.
Click Calculate.
If there are any unreconciled transactions, click Yes or No for whether you want to include them.
This will bring up the figures to enter onto your VAT return!
Just as an extra bit of reassurance, I always print off a detailed VAT report before submitting - just to check everything there isn't anything horribly wrong.
have you changed your settings to be able to declare via sage? if not the "Submit Return" button will not be seen.
Settings / company preferences / VAT = tick box enable e-vat submissions. You will need to complete the esubmissions criteria.
follow above instructions by Faye - always print although can print to PDF to save paper.
Once Reconciled details will be confirmed as pending - highlight VAT return you would like to submit and click on submit return icon. dont forget to complete the VAT transfer wizard afterwards to tfr details to the VAT liability account.
Donna Curling - Complete Book-Keeping Ltd (CBKLtd) - 07939 101900
sorry for asking a really dumb question - but why would you need to click on the VAT transfer button, if you have already submitted the vat return by clicking on the ' submit return' icon?
If you do need to click on the vat transfer button - is this the final step?