Hi there, my client imports some goods and we receive a paracelforce invoice detailing customs duty, vat and clearance fees, which I have input on sage and claimed the VAT back (not on duty or fees) after client has paid the invoice. We do not recieve a C79 form from HMRC, is that because parcelfore is paying HMRC on our behalf and then invoicing my client, any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Usually the carrier sends you the C79 but I think Parcelforce is one that doesn't but I think there is something in their documentation telling you how to get one.
Hi Pauline, I have spoken to HMRC in a variety of departments and they said that Parcelforce will only notify them if the goods value are over £2000 (classed as a postal import) and then a C79 would be sent out but they said the parcelforce invoice is fine for reclaiming VAT back if amount is under that. I have spoken to parceforce 3 different departments within accounts and imports and no one can answer my query!! I dont think they have ever heard of a C79, a supervisor is going to call me back!! I will let you know any further info if I get any answers from them.
Thanks for letting me know if you hear back from Parcelfarce......oops...I mean Parcelforce
No you're right first time Pauline. One of my clients sends motorbike tyres, amongst other bikey bits, and has several times been charged extra because they said they weighed too much (they didn't) and there was some other item they said didn't fit properly on the conveyors and again they charged extra, Anyway eventually a person came out to see the items and agreed that they were neither oversize or overweight, but trying to get the refunds has been a nightmare for them it's still not all sorted and been going on for about six months.
Yes, I know, that's why I said it....lol I think I remember them being called that in an old episode of That's Life when they did an article on all the complaints about Parcelforce.....(oh dear, showing my age now!)