I have a quick query in regards to claiming Employer Supported Childcare.
I complete the Book-keeping for an owner managed (small) Limited Company with 2 Directors (Husband and Wife). They both have full time employment outside of the business and only take their income from Dividends via the company.
Anyhow, I have just read that they could claim £ 55 each per week towards the cost of their childcare as long as it is paid directly from the Limited Company Bank to the Childcare provider (Must be registered). This represents a allowable cost for the company of £ 2,860 x 2 (per director) per year.
The above seems correct per the HMRC note but is it too good to be true.
various amounts for childcare now - it is set on the amount you owe so must be on payroll and earn above NI threshold. For the vouchers I am so far happy to recommend kiddivouchers = http://www.kiddivouchers.com/ as I haven't had a reason to complain about the service and by far the cheapest admin cost Ive found. Lots of information on there site.
if you could let them know Ive past on their details - always good for business. thank you
Donna Curling - Complete Book-Keeping Ltd (CBKLtd) - 07939 101900