Using Sage Instant Accounts 2011 v17.00 (Windows 7) had sage open went for a coffee came back screen showed windows 7 had encountered power surge. Restarted PC unable to log into Sage Accounts have deleted QUEUE.DTA in ACCDATA.
I have the latest B/Up on USB - is the answer to reinstall software.
Hi! If you have the latest backup and just in case the one previous to that than yes you should probably reinstall the software, who knows maybe other files got corrupted, too. I am not sure if it is only me but in the past every time I had to reinstall SAGE I had to ring them to get a new activation code (getting that is not part of the free/paid support they have to give you one regardless - they are very helpful normally, also sometimes they try to sell you upgrade what you are under no obligation to buy). Regardless, reinstall SAGE should take less time than playing with log in,etc.
Just a brief thought, before you go to the trouble of re-installing..... you are definitely sure you deleted the correct Queue.dta file ? There is another Queue.dta file in the demodata folder. Just worth a quick check?
Sorry I have not replied, I've been away for a few days.
Strange ths but the day after, I started processing Sage Payroll for same client, when I came to pre payroll reports I noticed al the files that held reports had gone. Phoned Sage (support on payroll) the support guy said probally a power surge (which was correct). He talked me through deleting and regenerating data sources. Completed payroll and was able to login to accounts ???