Has anyone taken part in any of the HMRC's webinars. I have signed up for a few over the coming weeks. Can't do any harm to find out what they're telling people now.
I got a 'tweet' (not sure why I still insist on putting that word into parenthesis) from HMRC about this yesterday. Very short notice, so I couldn't take the time off the day-job to join in. Glad they're recorded too - will have to take a look-see at the weekend.
my blog "the bookkeeper's in town - learning the hard way"
I was meant to take part in one this morning but it was about 2:40am before I got to bed and the webinar was at 9:30am so I missed it. I never knew about the recorded ones - maybe look at them to see what it's all about.
Never buy black socks from a normal shop. They shaft you every time.
Thanks Kris, I've also registered for a couple coming up soon.
I think things like this are great for keeping you up to date with the rules and regulations from a compliance perspective. They also allow you to talk intelligently to clients and provide excellent quotes for newsletters!
Someone told me two weeks ago that we're now in a 'knowledge economy' so the more knowledge we can gain for free the better!
I have taken part to a HMRC webinar on 1st March. It was VAT awareness and I found it useful. The actual talk lasted for half an hour and the other half an hour was for us to ask questions. All our questions have been answered. My opinion the webinars are an excellent idea and I have already registered for more.