I have a client that has gone over the VAT threshold in February this year. What is the easiest way to register for VAT?
Let me explain a bit further - I deal with their PAYE and Self Assessment with HMRC directly as I'm authorised to do so as an Agent. But, how would I go about registering them for VAT online as I'm not their Agent for that - as they would need a VAT Registration Number for me to be an Agent. They don't like doing ANYTHING online and would prefer me to deal with it.
Is it possible or do I just have to fill in a paper form and post that off?
Never buy black socks from a normal shop. They shaft you every time.
Thanks. I knew I'd have to apply to be their Agent once they were registered. I never knew I could apply on their behalf. Just need to get their "authorisation".
Never buy black socks from a normal shop. They shaft you every time.