I can't understand what all the fuss is about regarding their earnings and taxation. So what if one or both of them maximise their earnings by being paid through a Ltd Co. Do you really want someone in charge of London that will go out their way to pay more money for something than is necessary?
Never buy black socks from a normal shop. They shaft you every time.
For me its the same as the MP's expenses debacle. It all comes down to transparency. These people are supposed to be setting an example to the rest of the country, giving that they are paid from the public purse their finances should be beyond reproach.
Well, I'm begind Boris who I think is a very intelligent person, a sound candidate and a sound human being.
As an example, despite his status he got off his bike and waded in when a young woman was being mugged which shows a strength of character sadly lacking in todays society.
He plays fair and if the other person is right he will say so.
There is nothing illegal about the way that he handles his tax affairs and if a table lamp was necessary for the office then that is office furnishings or should perhaps the mayor of London be working in the dark.
Even if I wasn't conservative I would still be the one holding Boris' coat if it came to fisticuffs with the other candidate and the way that Boris is I would imagine that he would do the same for me were the roles reversed.
P.S. Always remember, a liberal coalition is for the life of the parlaiment, not just for election day. Too many liberals are being abandoned so next time, just vote conservative to stop this post election cruelty.
P.S.2 Why are people anti wealth? If you have nothing to aspire to then why try at all?
P.S.3 Neil, if you thought that it would be good to be a fly on the wall when my Mom visits you should be there for debates with my Dad who is provisional wing labour! You come away from those conversations with the wide eyed distant look only shared by vietnam soldiers on their second tour of duty.
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.
Oh don't mind me. I am anti everything...in my efforts to remain young i have kept a hold of my teenage angst. I am anti climax, anti christ, also when my brothers first kid was born i was even anti-uncle.
Actually... My teenage angst was anti Labour. The first election that I voted in was 1979 when anti labour feeling was really at it's height with rubbish piled in the streets, massive unemployment, three/ four day weeks, rolling blackouts, country basically bankrupt and run by the unions rather than the Government.
People remember the anguish under the conservatives but memories often don't go back as far as old labour.
In reinventing themselves the middle classes felt that this was a different sort of labour Government and it was they who turned their backs on the conservatives (and more to the point John Major who was pretty useless) and brought in ten years on new labour.... Who forget to take all of the old labour people out of the party and have them shot first so who were the easy victims that they went after, yep, the very people who had put them in power.
Now we've got a conservative government trying to act socialist and a labour Government who wants us to believe that ten years of mismanagement were all down to Gordon and that the rest of them had no part in it... Think Nueremberg... There we were just having a few beers, next thing we know we're in Poland.
As an overall view of things I don't think that we've actually got any party at the moment worth voting for, just individuals who could make a difference given half a chance and to be honest I think that Boris would make a damn good PM as he's one of the few who actually speaks his mind.
See this, I'm getting the most of being contentious before my Mom descends on me!
Happy Saturday matey,
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.
It's good that they've had to publish taxable earnings. The public has a great demonstration of how uneven our rates of tax and national insurance are. I hope it's ok to quote these released statements in the forum as if I'm not mistaken they indicate BJ has never even received a dividend...........
............Johnson is "liable to income tax on the entirety of his earnings and has made all due payments. He is not party to any tax avoidance or deferral schemes, nor has any of his income been transferred to any other members of his family".
"My salary as mayor is taxed as an employee of the Greater London Authority. In the same way as when I was an MP, my salary was taxed as an employee. Any other income that I have received from outside endeavours has been received on a self-employed basis, to me as an individual (no company or other structure has been involved). No income earned by me has ever been paid to a 'service' company, through which a person or person's freelance earnings can be channelled so that they pay corporation rather than income tax. To suggest otherwise is a complete and utter fabrication."