I am using Sage Payroll 50 V2011, i have installed the update you need to do before i run off my year end, which is fine.
Went through all the proceedures for year end, which all information was correct (thank god), when i come to print my P60 forms there is only 3 showing in the preview window and when i go to print, only 3 print out.
There is 40 + P60 forms i need to print out, can anyone shed any light on this. I am in the correct payroll year and like i said all the other forms i.e P11's etc they are fine.
No they are not employed by us anymore, there is only a few of us left unfortunately? I didnt think this would of mattered, as doesnt it take into account the employees within that tax year?
Anyway, any help would be much appreciated or advice
P60s are only printed for employees that are still in your employ at the end of the tax year. So, you may have had 40 employees at the start of the year but only a few left now at the end of the tax year. The employees that have left will not need a P60 as they will have received P45s when they left which details the same information.