Try Amazon, but to be honest you are better having the latest version or at least 2010 version. Also 20008 won't be supported by their support, not that their support is any good, its absolute C*?*.
I'm finding that out too Amanda. I assume they are in the middle east. I tried to call them but they didn't have a hope in hell of understanding my accent let alone the issue I was having.
Yes they are based abroad and even though I have an English accent they didn't understand what I was asking either! This was a few years ago mind you so it looks like its still the same then!
Also they are just a call centre, with various versions on their PC's that why they ask what you are on as they have dummy versions of PRO and PREMIER, and to get you an answer they will have a fiddle in the background with the programme you are on and see if they can work out an answer before telling you what it is. They are absolute rubbish, having said that I did find their payroll support ok. I don't use their payroll now that was for a company I worked for once.
Kris you are better off posting on here any queries, as someone is bound to be able to help.
Also if you are familier with sage then QB is similar but easier to use.
I can get by with Sage, but I'm not by any stretch of the imagination even an advanced user. I'm getting there with QB, but slowly. Still waiting for my book to arrive, lol.