My client was a sole trader before selling the company and it becoming a limited company and him remaining as a director.
During the period of sole trading, a supplier invoice was in dispute, a court order was made after the company went limited and the Judge decreed that the VAT could be claimed back (last week).
What I need to know is, can the reclaim be made through the limited company? The invoice is dated 2 years ago. If not, how can it be claimed back? Any help gratefully received.
When the business was transferred to the limited company, was the VAT number transferred along with it? If so, then I don't see why the limited company couldn't reclaim the VAT.
If the sole trader deregistered for VAT and the limited company has a different VAT number, then there is guidance on the HM Revenue & Customs website about when VAT can be claimed following deregistration.
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