We currently use Sage 200 + Project Accounting. I have been asked to develop our project design database to allow us to export a component list out of our database and import this into Sage to create a B Of Q.
I am not too knowledgable about Sage, however I believe that the data could be imported from excel using a csv file.
I am trying to find out the required format of the csv file to allow Sage to import the data. Is it staight forward "Data1","Data2" etc or are special characters required.
Also, I presume that sage would require specific column headers within the excel spreadsheet to allow a correct import. Does anyone know of a point of reference that would indicate what the correct column headers are.
As you can probably tell I have just begun researching this topic and so any info regarding this subject would be appreciated. I have no problem creating csv files I just need to know how these must be formatted to allow Sage 200 to create a B of Q.
Hi James - I use Sage Instant Accounts and import to the Sales Ledger from a CSV file in Excel. I found a list of the required fields etc in Sage Help. I've just checked and it's in Help, under Import, then, File Details. Hope this is of some help. Regards. Tori
I am no expert on the infernal workings of Sage but I believe there is no special character requirements, just assigning the field heading to appropriate Sage fields.
We do have a couple of specialist on here, and it's always handy to have another one but most of us are end users, so our knowledge is a bit limited.
If you are researching you will probably get more in depth technical help on the specialist Sage forum for developers.