I am nearly AAT qualified (passed all exams, just got the project to do) and once passed, I would like to apply for member in practice status in order to set up my own practice alongside my current employment.I would only have a couple of clients to start off with (friends and family) but I am unsure as to how I would gain experience in some of the services I would want to offer.
I don't currently work in practice, but do work as a Management Accountant and Payroll Manager so do have plenty of experience in accounts, VAT, payroll, Corp Tax but none in self assesment, business tax, personal tax to some extent and these are the area's I would like to provide services for. I have obviously passed the exams in these units but I am sure this won't be enough.
I am unsure how to go about gaining experience, I don't want to move from my current job - I was wondering if local book-keepers/accountants would be willing for me to provide free work experience, but obviously there would be a confidentiality issue so I am not sure if it is even allowed?
Has anyone else been in this situation or does anyone have any advice?