Our office / hangar is located on an airfield which is run by the local county county. They charge us for rent, for two properties, office and hangar, electricity for office only and obviously rates for both. We now have our own skip which has been organised by the co co, so I am wondering what nominal code does this go under??
Thanks for your response, could you expand on what code it needs to be applied to? The 7100's this has been explained to me as premises, or 7200 - utility costs or 7800 - premises maintenance or others? Sorry for needing such precise information, I do appreciate your answer but I do not want to make any mistakes, (still quite nervous of Sage)
It depends on how your Sage is set up as to what code you use. If you would not be comfortable in re-naming an existing code or creating a new one then I would use an existing code. If your 7100 is premises expenses then I would use that. (7100 in my Sage is Rent).