I am about to complete the foundation CIMA level "certificate in Business Accounting" rather than continue with CIMA as I doubt I will ever get Chatered status I am thinking of converting to AAT. I could do one futher module in CIMA and get a complete AAT exemption but there are a few modules in AAT level 4 (technician) that I would like to do. Would it be reasonable to assume with my qualification I could start AAT at level 4. I have about 15 years experience in management accounting.
I am studying mainly to get the pieces of paper to prove I can do the job I 've been doing for years should I need to go out job hunting again in these uncertain times.
The way the exemption work with AAT to CIMA is that you gain exemtpion for the first 5 papers (certificate level) however, when going from CIMA to AAT this may not give the same exemptions - it is a little confusing as to why this is.
However, if you like you can send me any certificates you have and i can forward these to an assessor at Premier Training and we can then confirm what you will have to complete when transferring to the AAT.