I've now completed level 1-3 manual, and just waiting for level 2 computerised results. I was advised that I could apply for a practice licence after getting results from level 2 comp, but I intend on doing the level 3 comp immediately. Does anyone know whether it would be worth just waiting that extra month for the results from level 3 before applying for licence or getting one on level 2 and upgrading once recd results from level 3? Is there a cost in upgrading etc? I am keen to get back into working, Maternity pay ended 3 months ago!!! but if its going to cost a lot to upgrade it might not be worth it for just a month. (I'm quite confident that I will pass :D)
From memory I think you can pay an upgrade fee from AICB to MICB. Or you can extend your membership by another year if you pay the MICB fee. If you are going to sit the test literally immediately then you'd probably be better off just using the month to get everything for your Practice sorted out. Your business cards and letterheads - if they are using the ICB logo need to be approved by them (but that also need to wait on the Practice Number). Chances are it won't be the full month - more likely around three weeks. You could also use that time (if you haven't already done so) to study Self Assessment and/or Payroll. You never stop studying.
Never buy black socks from a normal shop. They shaft you every time.
Yeah thats what I thought. Currently doing Payroll, hoping to get exam done in next fortnight, around same time I should get my level 2 results, therefore can get level 3 computerised exam. Then onto self assesment... Then maybe start on IFA for December exams .... No I wil never stop studying!!!