Just wonder how a vat return with nil returns could be recitified? I had to submit vat returns for 2 companies of which one was a nil vat return. But i did a nil return submission for a company that had to pay 120k on 11 july. how could i rectifiy this without being penalised? The last date for submission is 7th july. But i checked on hmrc website to see if i could possibly change the figures and resubmit again, but it looks like the only option is to submit a form 652? please advise!
You could write to them, explain what happened and tell them what the VAT return should have said (do this as soon as possible). (To quote HMRC's website: "...you don't have to use form VAT 652 - you can simply write in instead." (Hopefully, HMRC might be more understanding than you think, particularly as it was your error rather than the client's, and it was an administrative error, as opposed to a misapplication of the VAT rules)
Get the company (with the £120k VAT liability) to pay their VAT by the deadline, anyway - so they don't get fined for late payment.
(Presumably, you've submitted the other return correctly)
Thanks very much Bill and Figurate! Yes i spoke to vat hlp desk on 0845 010 9000. HMRC told me to make a payment well in advance(6.7.12) and send them a detailed letter+form652. They will atumatically change the figures on website within the next 15 working days. I think i was quite lucky to have submitted a nil returns i assume! Thanks a lot guys for reading!