Took six weeks to get from online purchase to an installed line but not complaining about that.
Last week had yellow pages, Thompson and a couple of other directories finding out if I was new or a relocation.
Today, since getting into the office it's been one energy company after another. Some are ok in their approach but others come with the official sounding approach that they are registering the energy at the property and just need a few further details...
Luckily my energy is part of the rental so nothing to do with me and once you tell them that they either appologise and wish you a nice day or just put the phone down on you.
I actually had one of the more official sounding ones who was yawning as he was going through his routine which I find inexcusable behaviour when you are trying to sell me something.
Not particularly bothered by these sales people but just wanted to vent that the sales techniques employed by the view to sneakily register people with the "just need a few more details" approach seems downright dishonest.
Anyway, just thought that I would give the forum opportunity to vent it's annoyance at any underhand sales tactics in this thread if you fancied getting anything off your chest.
all the best,
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.
We (My place of work) have received 2 letters in the last couple of months from energy companies, for us to sign giving them permission to change our supply over to their company. These letters were both received after brief telephone calls in which we stated that the business was not looking to re-new it's energy supplier.
One of these companies even telephoned to say they had not received the signed part of the letter from us!.
Personally, if this sort of thing wasn't time consuming i'd think it funny.
Also i love the fax's we get for water machines, mobile phones etc. One of our customers actually took a water machine on trial after having so much mither from the company. After the trial period the rep came and was told to take it away as it wasn't what the business was looking for, after 2 weeks this thing was covered in oily hand prints and grime off the mechanics. That is funny.
Do you ever get the invoices off companies for stationary supplies that you know that you have never ordered or even had any dealings with the company?
Or how about the music licence ones where they send you an invoice to be paid?
Some people out there must be making a good living off bleeding little companies with poor control systems in place.
Another good selling point for us methinks ;D
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.
...........One of our customers actually took a water machine on trial after having so much mither from the company. After the trial period the rep came and was told to take it away as it wasn't what the business was looking for. After 2 weeks this thing was covered in oily hand prints and grime off the mechanics. That is funny.
Haha - been looking for a way to put off telesales.
It's funny i mentioned that, said customer has just popped in and apparently they never took the water cooler away. The lads have been filling the bottle up from the tap, it's a big hit for hungover Saturday mornings.
It must have been in a right state for them to leave it, i bet they haven't learned a lesson though.
Late last year, we formed a company for a client, with our address as their registered office. A couple of weeks later, we got a letter from the 'Intracom VAT Registry'. I've attached a copy (with company number blanked out). The upshot was that the company should register for VAT (under a European Directive), and the registration would cost £320! Nice try you shysters!
And whats the betting that there was also a credit card theft follow up to those that fell for that scam Nick.
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.